Baby’s first year milestones and Development

The first year of a child’s life is filled with rapid growth and development. Here are some key milestones typically observed during this period:

1-3 Months

Physical: Lifts head while on tummy, follows moving objects with eyes, opens and shuts hands.

Cognitive: Begins to recognize caregivers, starts to respond to sounds and voices.

Social/Emotional: Smiles at familiar faces, starts to coo and gurgle.

4-6 Months

Physical: Rolls over from tummy to back, sits with support, reaches for objects and grasps them.

Cognitive: Explores objects with hands and mouth, begins to understand cause and effect.

Social/Emotional: Laughs and shows more emotions, enjoys playing with people and may cry when play stops.

7-9 Months

Physical: Sits without support, crawls or begins to crawl, pulls up to stand.

Cognitive: Begins to understand object permanence, uses a variety of sounds to express feelings.

Social/Emotional: Shows preferences for certain people and toys, may experience separation anxiety.

10-12 Months

Physical: Stands alone, may take first steps, picks up objects with thumb and forefinger (pincer grasp).

Cognitive: Follows simple directions, uses gestures like pointing and waving.

Social/Emotional: Enjoys imitating people, shows fear in some situations, plays simple games like peek-a-boo.

These milestones can vary widely among children, and it’s important to remember that each child develops at their own pace. Regular check-ups with a pediatrician can help monitor and support a child’s development