First Outings- Tadaka Nyamambi

How did simple tasks become so daunting ?

I think Shoko might have been 5 or 6 weeks old and I needed to do grocery shopping . Up until this point my niece had been buying groceries and delivering them to the house but me being me I needed and wanted to get out of the house so I decided to do it myself. I couldn’t send Taf because then we wouldn’t have food in the house .

Something I’d done every week , something so simple was now something I had to think about and plan. I could leave Shoko with my helper but I wasn’t yet comfortable leaving him with her as she was still new , I could have left him with my parents, who would have happily taken him but they live on the other side of town so I decided to take Shoko with me to the shops.

I actually had to Google it “how to take a baby to the store “🤣 I knew Spar Groombridge had carts with baby seats but I don’t know what’s been on that seat , how do you put the baby in it and I am not about to try figure it out whilst everyone is looking at me plus Spar doesn’t have everything I need, Bon Marche and Pick n Pay don’t have carts which cater for babies and I prefer shopping at Pick n Pay for availability of goods.
So luckily for me I enlisted the help of my step daughter. She is always happy to help with anything to do with her baby brother so I timed my shopping after school. This is all before Corona of course! After school run we would go grocery shopping she would push the stroller and me the cart . Soleil would also get a treat so it was a win win. On days where I couldn’t take Soleil with me I would carry Shoko using my fabric baby carrier and even though I haven’t tried the traditional bhabhu I think it would perfectly well too because at home Shoko loves whilst I do house chores.

What simple tasks seemed or still seem bigger to you now that your baby is here?