First vaccinations | What has worked for us – by Tadaka Nyamambi

So many people had warned me about first vaccinations and how it affects babies. I had also seen how traumatic it had been for Shoko and myself to be fair when he had Jaundice and the nurse was trying to draw blood and couldn’t find a vein and she just kept of pricking him . It was horrible😫

Below is our vaccination “strategy”:
. – Good environment – instead of going to noisy satellite clinic where the nurses are mean (from what I have been told from my mom and other mothers) we opted to use the private nurse who does vaccinations once a week at our paeds office. We normally have a 5 minute wait to see the nurse.
– A Taf- there are forms to fill , medical aid forms etc and whilst with a baby that’s the last thing you want so Taf handles all the admin stuff. Get someone to go with you to help you carry things, admin etc especially afterwards when baby might be fussy. Taf bless his heart has gone to all of Shoko’s appointment since I was 6 weeks pregnant till now his only request has been that the appointments are set up for after golf games 🤣
– Loose clothing- the injections are usually on the thighs so dress them in loose clothing also for afterwards when the area is sore. Everytime Shoko has gone it’s been hot so he is usually in just a romper and the stares I get but quiet frankly I don’t care as long as he is comfortable .
– Calpol- this was suggested by the paed as well as a friend. I give Shoko this before and after the vaccinations .
– Soother- whilst the nurse is injecting Shoko I give him milk and this has worked for us so far. Normally when he feels the injections he stops for a second and attempts to cry but gets right back to drinking.
– Chilled day at home- afterwards Shoko is usually feeling ok we usually also schedule check ups with the paed same day but a few hours later his mood changes, temp rises and is a lot more clingy so it’s better if you are at home and give them extra cuddles and kisses. These symptoms usually last till the next day my doctor told us to get in touch if it goes longer.

If you have any tips which helped your experiences, please leave a comment below to help other mums, after all, it take a village to raise a child.